I've recently been enjoying the Netflix adaptation of David Nicholls' 2009 book, 'One Day'. One of the reasons I love it so much is that the timeline of the story is only two years different from my own life. I resonate with the cultural references - from the payphone (like the one in my hall of residence), shoes from Saxone for £12.99 and even the game 'Where are you, Moriarty?' which was popular at my 'posher' friends' parties in my twenties.
Watching 'One Day' has caused me to reflect. My choice of degree, and the choices I made immediately following university, were a very formative time in my life. I did a real estate degree and went on to become a Chartered Surveyor, perhaps because it was a safe and structured career path, but my life could have been very different if I had made different degree and career choices. I am also very aware from coaching and working with twenty-somethings that the current business world is not an easy place to navigate for aspiring business leaders.
The timeline of 'One Day' is also a reminder that I am in 'midlife'. I am old enough to reflect back on my life choices, but young enough to have many years ahead of me that I want to make the most of. Women in my peer group may be navigating a tricky time their career - from coping with peri-menopause symptoms and perhaps experiencing a touch of ageism at work. However, many 50-something women are in their absolute prime - with a sense of confidence in their skills, and still with a great deal to offer as experienced business leaders and the potential to 'Inspire Inclusion' by balancing out male-dominated leadership teams with representative and inclusive values.
If right now you are trying to navigate your post-university years and find the right career path, or you are in midlife and wanting to make the most of your future, maybe a coaching conversation could help. If you'd like to try coaching please get in touch at jo@jowinchester.com.