What clients say...

"Jo cultivates a feeling of trust and safety and non-judgment and puts herself in the seat her clients are sitting in"
Leadership Coach and Course Peer

"I liked that you asked me questions (some difficult) to get me thinking about certain situations/topics, as opposed to talking at me.  You got me to think about things I may not have thought of and to see different perspective."
Investment Analyst, Property Industry

" Jo is not afraid of the elephant in the room and gets to the heart of what is really going on."
Management Consultant and Course Peer

"Things made sense when saying them out loud...I felt very relaxed in our session and did not feel as though I was being judged".

Investment Analyst, Property Industry

"It was good to explore my insecurities with someone totally neutral and get some honest feedback on myself."
Senior Associate Accountancy Firm

"I really appreciated you challenging me and not just being an echo chamber agreeing with me".
Executive Director, Property Industry

"The session provided a safe and productive environment to brainstorm some potential strategies to drive improvement"
Senior Associate, Law Firm

"The coaching means another form  of support in building my career and shaping my path to becoming a leader instead of a lone wolf trying to move up without help.  After the session I felt immediate impacts through your questions onto my thinking, planning and actions for next steps and I felt more motivated to take actions."  

Development Surveyor

Names have been withheld for reasons of privacy.